Welcome to ashfolk.com




Welcome to Ashfolk.com & SFK.co



This page will redirect & take you to our shorter domain-name (website) SFK.co website, after 60 seconds, when essential configuration of SFK.co is complete.


These websites & sub-domains are used for sharing/hosting webpages, videos, pictures/images, etc for our own personal & our family-members & our-friends blogging or official or business purpose uses.


Once SFK.co website configuration is complete, we will open our services to public users.


Most services are to be provided for free with lower prioritization & lower amount of features, as long as there is no over-usage or excessive-usage. But voluntury contributions or donations are always welcome. Public users are to have option of choosing a yearly or monthly fee, to receive priority over free-users, and to receive more features than free-users. We support various type of work-arrangement as exchange of service & payment, to cover higher-priority service fee, when an user is looking for higher prioritized & more feature-full services.


Secure(encrypted) Email-services, Blogging, Dynamic-DNS, Home-based Private-Cloud (Private-Hosting) storage & services for SmartPhones, Personal-Cloud (Personal-Hosting / Self-Hosting) storage & services for SmartPhones, Public DNS Servers, Identity Verification & Authentication, Instant Messaging (IM), Social-Media website, email-address, etc for all to communicate & share their opinons, views, stories, etc.


* Any type of Solicitation, Spam message, etc via any communication medium/channel to us is NOT permitted.


* If you receive any message/reply (from someone preending to be us) from an email-address or a phone-number that is not-listed below , then you must avoid/report that email/message as SPAM message . If we need to send you any message from a new email-address or phone-number that is not-listed below , then we will always first inform you first/ahead , which new email-address or phone-number will be used , from 1 of the below specified email-address/phone-number , so that you know for sure new-message is indeed approved by us.


Contact info: *

Emails: (change "at" into "@", "dot" into ".")

    Information request, General, Official:

        info at ashfolk dot com

        sfk at ashfolk dot com

    Admininstration related:

        admin at ashfolk dot com

        ashfolk at outlook dot com

            (GPG/PGP Key-id: f832 5ff2 37b9 bb59)

        ashfok at yahoo dot com

        1ashfolk at gmail dot com

     Phone: +1 (323) 538-3645 (change the previous-"6" into "7", for actual phone number)

          We support Text/SMS based query in above number.

     Others: We can also response to a client's (or potential-client/user's) query/question, when our gmail email was added as a contact. Use Google-Hangouts app (in Android/iOS mobile) or use 'Chat' tab/page inside Google's GMail app or use any other compatible XMPP/Jabber client app (i.e: Mozilla Thunderbird on MacOS, Ggl-Hangouts app on Windows).

     For confidential / secured / encrypted query & response : pls 1st send your PGP/GPG public-key into our 4 email addresses as CC or BCC, at same time (into our gmail, yahoo, outlook email-addresses, & into our: info at ashfolk dot com email addresses) as a regular email or as (GPG/PGP)-signed-email. Paste your entire PGP/GPG pub-key inside that 1st email (you may also attach the pubkey, but pasting the entire pub-key inside email's body/content is a must).  Then (in next email) you can start to send encrypted-only email query, by using our GPG pubkey, into our outlook email or into our gmail email or into our info at ashfolk dot com email-adrs. Please use/enable INLINE/PGP mode & TEXT mode option(s) in your email-client when sending encrypted-only email. For extra security, you may also (physically) mail-us your pub-key and/or also send 1st + last few characters of pubkey over our Text/SMS number ( & mention your email-adrs), in that way, we can get & match if your sent pubkey(s) are intact & indeed same, which were received via all/multi communication channels.



        Los Angeles, California (90014), USA. (Los Angeles).

        Winnetka, California (91306), USA. (San Fernando Valley. Los Angeles).



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All copyrighted, registered, trademarked or protected items mentioned here as reference or as informational purpose, are owned by their registered owner or rights holder.